Year 6
Year 6
In Year Six the children will further develop their knowledge and understanding of music by:
- Playing and performing in solo and ensemble contexts, using their voices and playing musical instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency and expression – This will be developed through singing major and minor note patterns and performing complex song rhythms confidently. The children will demonstrate an understanding of beat and syncopation and will sing part songs with echoes. They will refine their vocal performances and will rehearse and perform a mini musical. They will play a chordal accompaniment to a piece.
- Improvising and composing music for a range of purposes using the interrelated dimensions of music - pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations – This will be developed through improvising music on instruments and devising and combining rhythms through dance.
- Listening with attention to detail and recalling sounds with increasing aural memory -The children will revise, rehearse and develop music for a performance. They will listen to changing harmonies and understand the effects this creates.
- Using and understanding staff and other musical notations -This will be developed through playing tuned instrument parts from a graphic score and from following complex graphic scores. The children will understand pitch through singing from staff notation.
- Appreciating and understanding a wide range of high-quality live and recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians – The children will learn a 1980s pop song and learn to play traditional Ghanaian music. They will learn to play ostinati from orchestral works.
- Developing an understanding of the history of music -The children will learn to sing British choral works from the 21st Century and will discuss the music of a Russian composer. They will make reference to a painting from the same period.