Year 1
Year 1
In Year One the children will continue to build on their experiences in Reception by:
- Using their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes – This will be developed by creating and changing their vocal sounds, making high and low pitches and singing songs with contrasting high and low melodies. The children will also control their vocal dynamics, duration and timbre as they sing songs together as a group. The children will continue to develop their rehearsing and performing skills as they rap and chant together.
- Playing tuned and untuned instruments musically – The children will play percussion instruments with control, exploring dynamics, duration, and timbre as well as playing at different speeds. Further exploration of sounds will enable the children to create soundscapes using instruments as well as performing for their peers.
- Listening with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music – The children will develop these skills and their understanding by recognizing and responding to the tempo in music and identifying a sequence of sounds. They will further develop their skills by listening to a piece of orchestral music and identifying the instruments they can hear. By responding to the change and mood of a piece of music they will begin to recognise, slow, fast and steady beats and identify a repeated rhythm pattern.
- Experimenting with, creating, selecting and combining sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music - pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations. – The children will explore dynamics, volume, duration and timbre using their voices, body percussion and a range of instruments. They will play and control changes in tempo and relate changes in pitch to graphic symbols. The children will also invent and perform new rhythms to a steady beat.