

Intent: Empowering Communicators, Inspiring Writers

At Underwood West Academy, we recognise writing as a foundational skill that empowers students to articulate ideas, thoughts, and emotions effectively. Rooted in the Talk for Writing approach, our Writing curriculum is thoughtfully designed to equip students not just with technical skills but with the ability to become confident and creative writers who can communicate with flair in diverse contexts and for various purposes.


Our Writing curriculum is aligned with the Talk for Writing principles and strives to:

  • Inspire and motivate students through a text-based approach, encouraging creative and confident expression.
  • Develop a comprehensive set of writing skills, encompassing spelling, punctuation, grammar, vocabulary, and handwriting, fostering accuracy and fluency.
  • Cultivate a love for reading, writing, and an appreciation of language's power to communicate effectively.
  • Encourage effective planning, drafting, and editing, emphasising reflection on progress and utilising feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Promote oracy development across all year groups, enabling students to articulate ideas effectively before engaging in the writing and editing processes.


Implementation: A Journey of Talk, Creation, and Reflection

At Underwood West, we bring our Writing curriculum to life through engaging teaching strategies that embrace the Talk for Writing approach. From Key Stage 1 onward, we integrate the proven phonics skills acquired from the Monster Phonics scheme. This foundation is seamlessly woven into our writing lessons through the Talk for Writing methodology, promoting creativity and confidence.

Our implementation strategy includes:

  • Modelled and shared writing to set high standards and inspire creativity.
  • Guided and independent writing experiences that cater to varied purposes and audiences.
  • Integration of writing across the curriculum, recognising its importance in every subject.
  • Peer and self-assessment, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.
  • Opportunities for editing and redrafting, refining skills and reinforcing the writing process.


Impact: Crafting Confident Communicators and Proficient Writers

Our Writing curriculum's impact is evident in our pupils' transformation into confident and creative writers. Regular assessment and progress monitoring, combined with internal and external moderation practices, allow us to gauge our students' achievements and guide them toward their potential.


Our students, through our curriculum, can:

  • Write effectively for diverse purposes and audiences, employing appropriate language, style, and format.
  • Navigate the entire writing process, from planning to drafting and editing, utilizing feedback for continuous improvement.
  • Analyse and evaluate various texts, deepening their understanding of language's versatile application.
  • Utilise their writing skills to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, across diverse contexts and situations.

Through the implementation of our Writing curriculum, we aspire to nurture confident, effective writers who implement their skills both academically and for pleasure. Our commitment to the Talk for Writing approach ensures that our students embark on a journey of communication and creativity, well-equipped for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.



Newcastle Street, Crewe, Cheshire, CW1 3LF

Please direct your enquiries to

Mel JamesBursar

01270 260580