Spring Term
WEEKS COMMENCING 28.06.21 & 05.07.21 & 12.07.21
In Primary Education from September 2020:
- Parents will not be able to withdraw their children from any aspect of Relationships Education or Health Education (which includes learning about the changing adolescent body and puberty).
- Parents will be able to withdraw their children from any aspects of Sex Education other than those which are part of the science curriculum.
The objective of Relationship and Sex Education is to help and support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development. A successful programme, firmly embedded in PSHE, will help young people learn to respect themselves and others and move with confidence from childhood through adolescence into adulthood.
The Department of Education recommends that all primary schools should have a Relationship and Sex Education programme tailored to the age and the physical and emotional maturity of the children. It should ensure that both boys and girls know
about puberty and how a baby is born – as set out in Key Stages 1 and 2 of the National Science Curriculum.
As part of the Relationship & Sex Education (RSE) curriculum we will be focussing on the following areas:
- the importance of and how to maintain personal hygiene
- about the process of growing from young to old and how people’s needs change
- the names for the main parts of the body (including external genitalia) the similarities and differences between boys and girls.
- about people who look after them, their family networks, who to go to if they are worried and how to attract their attention, ways that pupils can help these people to look after them.
(the words “penis” and “vagina” will be used).
LESSON 1 - KEEPING CLEAN – Know how to keep clean and look after oneself
LESSON 2 - GROWING & CHANGING- Understand that babies become children and then adults. Know the difference between boy and girl babies.
LESSON 3 – FAMILIES AND CARE – Know there are different types of families. Know which people to ask for help.
- about the process of growing from young to old and how people’s needs change
- the names for the main parts of the body (including external genitalia) the similarities and differences between boys and girls.
notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adult.
(the words “penis” and “vagina” will be used).
LESSON 1 – DIFFERENCES: BOYS & GIRLS - Understand that some people have fixed ideas about what boys and girls can do. Describe the difference between male and female babies.
LESSON 2 – DIFFERENCES: MALE & FEMALE - Describe some differences between male and female animals Understand that making a new life needs a male and a female.
LESSON 3 – NAMING THE BODY PARTS - Describe the physical differences between males and females. Name the male and female body parts.
- the names for the main parts of the body (including external genitalia) the similarities and differences between boys and girls.
- to recognise when and how to ask for help and use basic techniques for resisting pressure to do something dangerous, unhealthy, that makes them uncomfortable, anxious or that they believe to be wrong
- to be aware of different types of relationship, including those between friends and families, civil partnerships and marriage.
- to judge what kind of physical contact is acceptable or unacceptable and how to respond.
(the words “penis, “testicles”, “vagina”, and “womb” will be used).
LESSON 1 – DIFFERENCES: MALE & FEMALE - Know some differences and similarities between males and females. Name male and female body parts using agreed words.
LESSON 2 – PERSONAL SPACE - Identify different types of touch that people like and do not like. Understand personal space. Talk about ways of dealing with unwanted touch.
LESSON 3 – FAMILY DIFFERENCES - Understand that all families are different and have different family members. Identify who to go to for help and support.
- how their body will, and emotions may, change as they approach and move through puberty.
- to recognise that they may experience conflicting emotions and when they might need to listen to their emotions or overcome them.
- about human reproduction.
describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
(the words “penis, “testicles”, sperm, “vagina”, “womb”, “egg”,” reproduction”, “puberty” and “pubic hair” will be used).
LESSON 1 – GROWING & CHANGING - Describe the main stages of the human lifecycle Describe the body changes that happen when a child grows up.
LESSON 2 – WHAT IS PUBERTY? - Discuss male and female body parts using agreed words Know some of the changes which happen to the body during puberty.
LESSON 3 – PUBERTY CHANGES & REPRODUCTION - Know about the physical and emotional changes that happen in puberty Understand that children change into adults so that they are able to reproduce.
- how their body will, and emotions may, change as they approach and move through puberty.
- to recognise that they may experience conflicting emotions and when they might need to listen to their emotions or overcome them.
to feel confident to raise their own concerns, to recognise and care about other people's feelings.
describe the changes as humans develop to old age.
(the words “penis, “testicles”, sperm, “vagina”, “womb”, “egg”,” reproduction”, “puberty”, “pubic hair”, “sexual feelings” GIRLS ONLY: - “menstruation”, “periods”, “tampons” and “sanitary towels”, BOYS ONLY - “wet dreams”, “semen” and “erection” will be used).
LESSON 1 – TALKING ABOUT PUBERTY - Explain the main physical and emotional changes that happen during puberty. Ask questions about puberty with confidence.
LESSON 2 –MALE & FEMALE CHANGES - Understand how puberty affects the reproductive organs. Describe how to manage physical and emotional changes. (BOYS & GIRLS SPLIT IN THIS LESSON)
LESSON 3 – PUBERTY & HYGIENE - Explain how to keep clean during puberty. Explain how emotions change during puberty. Know how to get support and help during puberty.
- how their body will, and emotions may, change as they approach and move through puberty.
- about human reproduction.
- the importance of protecting personal information, including passwords, addresses and the distribution of images of themselves and others.
- to be aware of different types of relationship, including those between friends and families, civil partnerships and marriage.
- to recognise what constitutes positive healthy relationships and develop the skills to form them.
(the words “penis, “testicles”, sperm, “vagina”, “womb”, “egg”, “conception”, ” fertilisation”, “pregnancy”, “intimacy”, “puberty”, “pubic hair”, “sexual intercourse” will be used).
LESSON 1 – PUBERTY & REPRODUCTION - Describe how and why the body changes during puberty in preparation for reproduction. Talk about puberty and reproduction with confidence.
LESSON 2 –UNDERSTANDING RELATIONSHIPS - Discuss different types of adult relationships with confidence. Know what form of touching is appropriate.
LESSON 3 – CONCEPTION & PREGNANCY - Describe the decisions that have to be made before having a baby. Know some basic facts about pregnancy and conception.
LESSON 4 – COMMUNICATING IN RELATIONSHIPS - To have considered when it is appropriate to share personal/private information in a relationship. To know how and where to get support if an online relationship goes wrong.
WEEKS COMMENCING 07.06.21 & 14.06.21 & 21.06.21
If you are unable to come into school during these dates, here is what we will cover for PSHE in school.
Drugs, alcohol and tobacco education is taught as part of the PSHE education curriculum. It is important for us to teach children about both helpful substances such as medicine and harmful substances dangers, as well as teaching about peer pressure and saying no. It contributes to safeguarding children and young people from the potential harms associated with their misuse.
As part of the Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco curriculum we will be focussing on the following areas:
Year 1 will look at what goes into and onto our bodies.
- Identifying whether a substance can be harmful to take in.
- How to ask for help if they are unsure whether something should go into the body.
- Know that substances can be absorbed through the skin.
- State some basic safety rules for things that go onto the body.
Year 2 will look at medicines.
- Understanding the purpose of medicines is to help people stay healthy.
- Knowing that medicine comes in different forms.
- Recognising each medicine has a specific use.
- Medicines can be prescribed by a doctor or bought from a shop or pharmacy.
- Knowing who decides if medicine should be used or given.
- There are some lessons on National Oaks Academy below for the children at home to try which are linked to what has been taught in school for years 1 & 2:
In this lesson we will identify some medicines and household products, understand how to be safe around medicines and recognise some signs and symbols. Finally, you will design packaging for a medicine or household product with safety tips.
Year 3 will look at how tobacco is a drug.
- Defining what is meant by the word "drug".
- Identifying when a drug might be harmful.
- Recognising that tobacco is a drug.
- Recognising the effects and risks of smoking and second-hand smoke.
- Knowing the benefits of being smoke free.
Year 4 will look at making choices.
- Become aware of drugs that are used in everyday life such as caffeine, alcohol, tobacco or nicotine.
- Identifying why a person may or may not choose to use a drug.
- Listing alternatives to taking drugs.
- Identifying how alcohol can affect the body.
- Recognising laws and guidelines for consuming alcohol.
Year 5 will look at different influences.
- Recognising different smoking drugs - cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cannabis, shisha.
- Identifying the similarities and differences in the risk of smoking in relation to health, money, social effects and the law.
- Understanding the risks associated with all smoking drugs.
- Identifying conflicting messages in the media in relation to alcohol, tobacco and nicotine.
- Describing some other influences that surround a persons decision to smoke or drink alcohol.
Year 6 will look at weighing up risks.
- Recognising the possible effects or risks of different drugs.
- Identifying that some drugs are restricted or illegal to own, use and supply them to others.
- Understanding why and when people may choose to use drugs.
- Explaining why risks depends on the drug itself, the person using the drug and the situation.
- Identifying risks within a given scenario involving drug use.
- Understanding what would need to change to reduce the level of risks.
Below are some useful links to help parents and carers talk to their children about the above lessons: